Medilyzer™ helps your customers to better understand Rx patient leaflet and OTC drug label information as well as the risks associated with drug interactions. Simultaneously, a unique customer experience is provided resulting in improved sales and increased store loyalty. In addition, Medilyzer™ can improve pharmacist productivity and positively augment medication therapy management best practices as well as eliminate the confusion and health risks associated with language barriers.

How can Medilyzer benefit you?

The Ultimate Generic Finder

The Medilyzer™ Smart Panel not only provides information on medication safety risks, it points consumers towards using OTC private label or brand generic products. For instance, when your customers scan the leading brand name acetaminophen, they are also directed to your store’s private label generic product, increasing sales revenue.
Medication Therapy Management Resource

Medilyzer™ enables pharmacists to focus more time on patient care and medication therapy management best practices by acting as a starting point to educate consumers on their medications before face to face consultation with the pharmacist, while still assuring clients receive critical prescription and OTC drug risk information.
24 Hour Real Time Information Portal

The Medilyzer™ Web Portal allows pharmacists and medical professionals to access an up to date, 24 hour real time information portal. A team of health care professionals constantly updates and verifies all data.
Media Rich Advertising Real Estate and Social Media Tool

The Medilyzer™ Smart Panel provides prime real estate for consumer-targeted advertisements including complementary goods, store brand products, and/or promotional offers. Plus, you can incorporate social media tools into the panel to capitalize on modern ways of reaching out and engaging your consumers!
To learn how you can implement the Smart Panel at your location or to inquire about advertising email