Medilyzer has assembled a list of resources that are designed to provide a link to information and guidelines on prescription (Rx) and over-the-counter (OTC) medication safety.  Medication education decreases the likelihood of injury so we are constantly sharing practical information, news stories, case studies, government reports and informational videos to expand your understanding of medication safety.



Glen Discusses Problems Caused by Mixing OTC and Prescription Medicines
by MUST - Medication Use Safety Training for seniors

Avoiding Drug Interactions


Drug interaction checker for Android

Medilyzer Drug Interaction Checker for IPhone

Medilyzer in action – The dangers of combining Sinus and Menstrual
Cramps medications


Many Americans Have Incomplete Knowledge About OTC Medicines
About 20 years ago, ibuprofen—the active ingredient found in both Advil and Motrin—was available to consumers only with a doctor’s prescription.

“OTC medications save the consumer time and money because they don’t have to go to the doctor every time they are sick,” says Kathy Johnson, Pharm.D., Ph.D., associate professor of clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical economics and policy at the USC School of Pharmacy. “But, it is important to understand that non-prescription drugs should be used with the same amount of caution as prescription drugs.”

Using OTC Drugs Safely
Although consumers read drug labels for dosing information, many don’t fully understand other important drug facts, such as the active ingredient (the therapeutic substance), possible side effects, drug interactions and risks if misused, according to research by the Consumer Health Education Center.

Parents Often Puzzled by Medicine Labels
"The age indications of over-the-counter pediatric cold and cough products are difficult for caregivers to understand," he said. "These misinterpretations may pose significant hazards to child safety."

Drug Combinations Putting Seniors at Risk

A recent report estimated that adults over 65 account for more than 175,000 emergency department visits for adverse drug reactions each year.

Language Barriers Plague Almost Half of U.S. Drug Stores

Language Barriers Plague Almost Half of U.S. Drug Stores - Too many pharmacies can't safely help non-English-speaking clients

Drug Safety Guides

Advice for Giving OTC Medicine to Children from the FDA

Use care when giving any medicine to an infant or a child. Even over-the-counter (OTC) medicines that you buy are serious medicines.

Unintentional Drug Poisoning In The US
A poisoning occurs when a person’s exposure to a natural or manmade substance has an undesirable effect. A drug poisoning occurs when that substance is an illegal, prescription, or over-the-counter drug. Most fatal poisonings in the United States result from drug poisoning.

Cough and Cold Drugs Cause 7,100 ER Visits Yearly in Kids

Cough and cold medications given to children account for nearly 7,100 visits to emergency departments every year for adverse reactions.